A bike adventure ? We’ve been thinking about it for a while. Cradled by the sound of the freewheel since we are born, bicycle has always been the best way to move, spend good times with friends, push our physical limits, enjoy large landscapes, and meet amazing people. Travelling by bike allows us to take time, in a society where everything is going too fast. It is for us a sense of freedom, moving forward everyday using our legs, without any expectations for the following day. The 5 senses are in alert, the tongue hangs down, having shortness of breath at the top of a climb, we feel alive.
After we found our way of travel, we needed to decide where to go. South America, indeed. Attracted by the culture, colors, music, large spaces, altitude, it’s on the Andes Cordillera we’re going to put up our tent.
The Andes, second highest mountain range in the world, the longest, perhaps the most enigmatic too and the most diverse with its South-North way crossing every possible ecosystems.
The story begins in Bolivia, going through it’s giant salt lake, which will freeze our bottles, filled up with Margarita on the rock at that time.
Then comes Peru, its sacred valley, its incan ruins, remains of a lost civilization we’ll try to find back. Between Jungle and Glaciers, between traditions and modernity, the original potato kingdom !
Ecuador, its volcanoes, the furthest summit from center of the earth and our full ignorance of the country.
Finally Colombia and its prejudices from years of terrorism, its green andes, its welcoming people, its dances, the Caribbeans…