Sometimes it’s hard to keep balance on the rocky roads of Colombia. That morning we left La Argentina and slowly started our climb to a pass at 2000m up. On the way up I heard a strange noise behind me, turned back and saw Thibault lying on the ground, contemplating the sky with a happy face.
” Did you see that cloud ? It looks amazing ! “
He fell down due to a loose off balance and didn’t manage to unclip his shoes fast enough. More fear than harm really.
Nice dirt road between La Argentina and Bordones
After a night at the fire station in Saladoblanco, we got back on the road heading to the Cascada Salto de Bordones. Arriving in the village next to the waterfall, we stopped in a restaurant to get lunch and quickly got invited to the table of two men in working clothes. We first thought they were firemen too but they were actually working in an Avocado farm not far from there and invited us to come visit it in the afternoon. We first headed to el Salto de Bordones, a beautiful 400m high waterfall in the middle of the green mountains.
Salto de Bordones
About an hour later, Ernan was waiting for us at the farm, ready to show us how they cultivate avocado here. Ernan has been retired from the Colombian army for a few years now and he’s now studying agriculture. For his first “internship” he’s taking care of the 80 hectare farm, with more than 10 000 avocado trees and 15 workers. He explained us the process of growing avocado for exportation and how they are trying to get the organic label.
Visit of the avocado’s fields with Ernan
Our next stop was San Agustin, a small town in the southern Colombian Department of Huila, known for its pre-Columbian archaeological sites. The park contains the largest collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in Latin America and is considered the world’s largest necropolis. The dates of the statues are uncertain, but they are believed to have been carved between 5–400 AD. The origin of the carvers remains a mystery, as the site is largely unexcavated.
Mysterious statues from pre-Columbian period
Visit of the archeologic site with Laura from Germany