We were lucky enough to arrive in Saquisili on a Wednesday, as the biggest market of the Cotopaxi Province takes place here every Thursdays. Every week, vendors from all over the highlands come to the market to sell their wares and show the product of their labor. It ends up in a total of 8 different markets all over the small town, where you can find absolutely everything. From cows to llamas, from fruits to furnitures, from cereals to clothes, absolutely everything.
We first headed to the animal market, 5 minutes out of town by car. It was a real surprise to see that much people here, wearing the traditional colourful Andean clothes. Here you could easily buy cows, pigs, sheep, llamas or even a few alpacas. Weird to see those animals in those conditions but it’s the only wealth people have in the remote mountains…
A cow can cost between 600 and 800 $
Beautiful traditional Andean hats
A few lamas and alpacas on the market too
We then jumped in a 4×4 to get back in the village and visit the other markets. An impressive amount of people here too, selling fruits, vegetables, fishes and some fourniture. Crowdy, noisy, smelly, colorfull, but incredibly captivating. The market is also a real social event, that brings people from different communities together. It has existed since Pre-Columbian times and continues to thrive today as a locally sustained market.
Tons of fresh vegetables and fruits
Also some good prepared food available
Ecuadorian’s love 4X4